Did you know that you can buy chickens online & have them shipped straight to your door?
Sounds crazy.. I know…
My family has been ordering chickens this way since I was a kid. The Hatchery my family has always ordered from is still shippin’ chicken (& other birds) to this day! McMurray Hatchery
Growing up we raised meat chickens & my grandmother had laying hens & roosters. We ordered all our birds from McMurray Hatchery. When I married & started a little farmette of my own, I went to their website & requested a free catalog in the mail to pick out a flock of my own.
Request Your FREE Catalog or Download their Digital Version by clicking HERE

I HIGHLY recommend getting the Free Catalog mailed to you because
1. Why not? it’s FREE!
2. I love their Catalog & all the info/pictures in it.
3. It’s fun to go through it as a family & draw stars next to the chicken contenders for your upcoming order.

Photo of McMurray Hatchery Catalog Photo credit: McMurray Hatchery website
They have a frequently asked questions page on their website HERE about ordering, shipping, caring for your birds, and more.
They also sell a variety of other birds such as meat birds, turkeys, peacocks, duck, geese, & much more!
I have personally ordered from them & like I said, my family has ordered from them growing up as well so I can attest to the superb customer service & quality of their birds.
At McMurray Hatchery, we have hand-packed each order of baby chicks with care for over 100 years. Our team selects every chick in each order by hand, and does everything possible — from the highest quality chicks, to custom-made, reinforced boxes, and our 48-hour live delivery guarantee — to ensure each box of chicks we ship arrives at their new home safely.
–McMurray Hatchery

I would recommend starting at their Why Order McMurray Hatchery Poultry? Page if you are interested in learning more about this hatchery. They also have a number to contact if you prefer to talk to someone from the hatchery. (The top left of their website you can click “CALL ME NOW” & a box pops up where you can put your phone number in & someone from the Hatchery will give you a call)
I hope this information was helpful & gets you well on your way to achieving your chicken dreams.
Happy Chickin’ pickin’!
-kortney sue

I miss having chickens…..
I miss fresh eggs…
I miss sharing those fresh eggs with others..
I miss the Cock-A-Doodle-Doo’s
I just miss them!
I don’t miss chicken poop EVERYWHERE.
I don’t miss the snakes.
I don’t miss the smell, or coop maintenance.
I don’t miss being attacked by our roosters.
But, you just gotta take the bad that comes with good! Nothing in this life comes easy or perfect.
With all that said, I can’t wait to have chickens again someday. Tyler has made it abundantly clear that we are not going to get chickens until the house is built…but I pray & hope he will change his mind!!
Until then, I’ll just be here pinning chicken coop dreams to Pinterest boards & reminiscing about our old coop.