Rustic Salvaged Recipe from Tornado Rubble
This recipe card is special! It was handwritten by my mother who survived a tornado that completely destroyed her home with her inside. God protected my mother that night!
You can read my mother’s tornado testimony HERE.
Luckily, my mother had copied all of her MANY recipes she prepared for us growing up & made three MASSIVE cooking binders that she gifted my sisters & I for Christmas. So even though all of my mothers’ cookbooks and recipe boxes were taken in the tornado, we all had copies!
This recipe card, however, was saved from the tornado rubble. Even though there was no reason to really keep it, as we all had copies, my sisters & I found value in it! It is written in our mothers’ hand & reminds us of our childhood sunflower kitchen. Her recipe cards matched with a basket in the lower left corner filled with sunflowers. These cards are also a beautiful reminder of how good God is. We are forever grateful that He protected her that night.
This card is warped & stained from the storm but, like my mother, lives on as a testimony of God’s grace & love for his children.
Happy Cooking!
kortney sue