sowing and growing in grace

Cherry Pickin’ Christian



to select the best or most desirable

When it comes to reading scripture, are you a cherry pickin’ Christian or are you reading it for what it is, in its entirety & in context.

When we cherry pick verses from scripture to merely make us feel better when we’re feeling down, we run the risk of reducing the Bible to a self-help manual. Of course, there is comfort to be found in the pages of scripture, but context is what makes that comfort real and lasting.

The Bible is not a self-help book.

The Bible certainly tells us about who we are and how we should live, but it is important to remember that it is much less a book about us and more a book about Him.

I hate to admit that I’ve been a cherry pickin’ Christian most of my life. I’ve been reading the bible in pieces, just cherry pickin’ verses & chapters & not actually reading it fully or in context. Often times I would just google passages to fit the occasion instead of having it all hidden in my heart.

Up until recently, I’ve been convicted of this & have committed to reading the bible entirely & in cultural context. Because the last thing you want to do is read the Bible with a modern mindset. The Bible was written for us, but it wasn’t originally written to us. Cultural context is so important in understanding scripture.

This conviction came about when my husband & I first committed to reading the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) all the way through. If you commit to reading every day, you will be surprised how quickly you can get through the gospels or even the Bible as a whole! When you read them all the way through, it is amazing what you will learn & what the spirit will reveal to you.

All this may sound like such a small silly thing, but trust me friend, I wouldn’t be writing about it if it hadn’t strengthened my faith and broadened my spiritual understanding.

It has led to deep & powerful conversations with my husband & a deeper understanding of who God is & what He desires for us.

I have heard it said at our Bible study group once, that if you’ve ever desired to hear & learn straight from God, go read the gospels, it is full of Jesus’ deeds & teachings while He walked among us.

How powerful!! To know how Jesus treated people, how He spoke to people, how he guided others & taught of the kingdom. I am ashamed that I hadn’t read the gospels in full, sooner.

I hope that these words will inspire you to put in the effort to grow in relationship with God. This isn’t meant to discourage you or put you down if you have been cherry picking scripture.

Cherry pickin’ isn’t the most practical or efficient way of harvesting (reading/studying scripture), but it does eventually get the job done, it just takes a lot longer to fill your basket (heart).

So, cherry Pickin’ is better than not picking at all.

Commit to memorizing one verse this week, to keep in your heart. That if at some point in your life you have no Bible to reference, you can recite this one cherry picked verse you have hidden safely in your heart and mind.

My verse is:

Romans 10:9

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

With love,

kortney sue